Awning Care or Maintenance Instructions
• You should raise and lower your awning carefully. Don’t tug on the mechanism or over-wind the controls
• You should retract your awning when not in use. Consequently you will minimise the possibility of damage due to vandalism or adverse weather conditions here in the United Kingdom
• Never leave your awning out in windy weather conditions or when bad weather is expected
• Don’t allow dirt to accumulate on top of your awning. Gently brush off, with a soft bristle brush, loose objects eg) leaves and twigs before attempting to retract the awning
• Hose your awning down from time to time but also allow the awning fabric to be completely dried before retracting it
• If you want to clean your awning, use a mild soap (not a detergent) and immediately rinse away (better if lukewarm water) every trace of residue. You should never use a harsh cleaning fluid or an abrasive. We can recommend specialist awning cleaning companies for a professional clean of stubborn stains or cleaning and reproofing
• Note that on straight, flat awnings, make sure the cover always rolls over the roller tube
• Avoid hanging anything on the framework
Care instructions in Freezing Conditions
• If snow is expected, you should retract your awning
• Don’t try to operate your awning in freezing conditions
• Don’t attempt to operate your awning if you think the mechanism is frozen
• If it rains and the weather forecast is very cold, you should retract the awning before any ice can form. Additionally, when it stops raining and there is no longer any frost, open the awning and let it air dry and completely dried before retracting it.
• Do not allow snow or ice to accumulate on the awning.
• If the mechanism has frozen, do not operate until it until it has thawed.
• If it rains and the weather forecast is very cold, you should retract the awning before any ice can form. When it stops raining and there is no longer any frost, open the awning and let it be completely dried before retracting it.
Can you refurbish an Awning?
• When you feel it’s time to refurbish or repair your awning please contact us. Recovering an awning may be less expensive than carrying out extensive repairs