New Cover

Traditional Victorian Awning Recover & Repair – London, N1

The Talbot is a Gastropub based in N1 and had a traditional Victorian awning in need of some tender loving care.   We brought the awning back to our factory and made a new awning box to house the roller, together with a new lath.  The final touch was a new cover in this gorgeous bottle […]

1 x Awning Recover & Valance, London, WC2….

Mildred’s in St Martin’s Lane, London had a recover and new valance this week to their existing awning.  It’s amazing the difference a clean up and new cover can make.   Mildred’s is a vegan restaurant in the heart of Covent Garden and well worth a visit.

New Cover & Front Panel with Eyelets – London….

We made a new cover and front panel for the entrance to Great Jubilee Wharf in Wapping which was fitted last week.   We removed the old covers and used them as templates to make the new which meant that met the exact requirements of the client.

1 x Traditional Victorian Awning Recover – Wimbledon Village, London….

Front view of restaurant awning with blue and white stripes

Good Fortune Club is a Chinese restaurant and a great little find in Wimbledon Village and we had the opportunity to recover their existing traditional Victorian awning this week.   The owner made an excellent choice with the stripy fabric which really stands out and advertises his restaurant perfectly.   The awning needed a few repairs, together […]

Traditional Victorian Awning Recovers & Cafe Barriers…..

Cote Edinburgh looks fabulous now with their traditional Victorian awning recovers and cafe barriers.   It’s so good to see this brand expanding and doing so well as they really are a fabulous chain of French brasseries and well worth a visit.  Recovering existing awnings that are in good working order are a really cost effective […]

2 x Giant Umbrella Recovers – Cheshire Oaks….

We fitted two new covers to the giant umbrellas at Gail’s Bakery in Cheshire Oaks recently.   With new gearboxes and winding handles, it all looks like new again.   These giant umbrellas act as a great solution for people sitting outside to give them cover from the sunshine and light showers and therefore increases the ability […]